Salen Hall Christmas Craft Fair

Key Details

  • Date/Time
    Thu 28th November 2024
    11:00am - 2:00pm
  • Location/Venue
    Salen Hall
  • Type
  • Area
  • Cost


  • Address
    Salen Hall

It's that time of the year again. We'd love to welcome you at the Salen Hall Christmas Craft Fair.
The money raised will go to PUMA - a group that organises the collection of medical aid , generators and daily living requirements like food, blankets, toys for orphans, the elderly and the men at the front. These get delivered by truck from Plymouth to the Ukraine.
Help- we need 2 people to act as tea- ladies/men and any offer of baking is received with joy.

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“The West Highland Peninsulas” is a brand that has been developed by the Sunart, Moidart, Morvern, Ardnamurchan and Ardgour Tourist Association (SMMAATA), formerly the Ardnamurchan Tourist Association, to promote the West Highland Peninsulas as a beautiful, wild and unspoilt tourist destination.

We are a volunteer organisation that relies on the support of our members be it through membership fee income or volunteer time. If you wish to become a member of SMMAATA and help us promote tourism and grow visitor numbers, then please get in touch.

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